Farewell 827 Temperance… (post 1 of 3)
Its done, we have moved. Departed 827 Temperance Street effective August 25th, 2014, having moved in April 1st, 2001. My (Michele’s) home for a little over 13 years. Moving is messy. You start filtering through old boxes and find stuff you forgot you had kept. Imagine a folder full of hand written letters from friends all dated sometime in the last decade of the 20th century (read the 90’s). Keep or Recycle? Too cool. Definitely keep. In fact I’m going to scan them and send them back to you all. Also found was the real estate flyer for 827 Temperance Street when I bought the house in 2001! Comparing it here to the one we made to sell in 2014! Click on them to see them full size.
I will miss SK. I think it is a beautiful place. And not just the people. Some of you will likely recognize this scenery. Click on teh photos to see them full size and get the full effect, because that’s the thing, the prairies are vast and that empty space is part of the beauty. Not my best photos, but fairly representative. I have thousands of photos just like these from all over SK. ‘Variations on a Theme’. Maybe I’ll write a new Fugue that sounds like these photos.
I wake up most mornings with this feeling that today is the day that I get back on a plane and fly home. Alas not. We did not fly here. We drove the ~3000km, one way only…